Formed in 2008 Street Mindz Entertainment (SME) is a music entertainment company that specializes in the online business model, specifically the promotion and marketing of R&B, Hip Hop, and Rap Artists through innovative and proactive combinations of online business strategies and traditional brick and mortar approaches.

Target customers will be drawn in through a combination of real-time entertainment and online access. Our artists will gain access to the most popular concert stages, nightclubs, dance halls, bars, and other venues of exposure. SME’s R&B, Hip Hop, and Rap Artist Promotions will let target customers participate and fuel the process of promotion organically through its cutting edge understanding of the online business model and what this signals for the future of the entertainment industry.

In other words, the entertainment industry is undergoing a revolution. And by virtue of founder Lonnie Rogers’ definition and vision, Street Mindz Entertainment will stand on the forefront of that revolution.